Day 2 of 14

Mark 5:28– “she thought to herself, ‘If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.’ Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering.

If national statics its hold true, this year on our wilderness Treks out of our roughly 400 students, 118 of the girls who come on one of our programs will have been or will be sexually assaulted sometime in their life, 236 of these teens with us this summer will have experienced cyberbullying, 120 of our individuals from groups will have used/abused alcohol, 133 teens will be from single-parent homes, 140 of these students will have had some type of sexual relationship with a boyfriend or girlfriend. White males ages 14-21 have the highest suicide rate in the country, for teens ages 7-21 suicide is the second leading cause of death. Make no mistake, the teens God brings us this year will be hurting.
Our prayer today is that the hundreds of teens and adults who come this summer ‘will be freed from their suffering’ by experiencing the risen savior. Today please pray that teens meet Christ and experience freedom from depression, doubt, guilt, sin, assault, the pressure to achieve, fear, pain, trauma, broken families, and bad decisions. Pray today that the teens who come to Trek this summer are like the woman in Mark 5, ‘freed from their suffering’ because they are touched by the resurrection power of Jesus Christ.
Our mission is big but our God has risen, please pray for freedom for these teens God is bringing to us this summer. 