Wilderness Trek

Transformation Through Outdoor Adventure

If you liked summer camp, but are looking for a deeper, more intimate experience, then Wilderness Trek is for you.

We use adventure as a spiritual catalyst in order to help teens, young adults, and families grow into the people God calls them to be. We introduce People From All Walks of Life and Fitness Levels to the wonders of God’s creation in order to help them become lifelong followers of Jesus Christ. In terms of creature comforts and man-made features, we are The Opposite of Camp. In terms of getting close to God through the natural beauty and wonders of His creation, it’s An Experience With No Equal.

What is at stake?

Teens and Screen Time

The average American teen now spends almost 8 hours a day staring at a screen!


Studies show that even a 90-minute walk in nature helps decrease symptoms of depression.

Inside too much!

The average person now spends 93% of their time indoors.

Social Benefits

Studies show that even 4 hours in nature improves mood, confidence, and pro-social behavior.

Group Treks

Group Treks are our 5-6 day backpacking adventures that we have offered since 1976. These Treks are perfect for helping any group grow in community, faith, and leadership. They are ideal for youth groups, churches, families, scout troops, sports teams, colleges, or any group of friends looking for an exciting adventure they won’t soon forget!


Family Adventures

Are you looking for a family backpacking trip or an outdoor adventure? We have those too! Our family outdoor adventure trips can include activities like backpacking, hiking, or rafting. Family trips can take place in New Mexico, Colorado, or Utah! We take care of all the details for you and include one of our guides to lead your trip. We plan all the activities and itineraries of your trip, provide all your gear, pack your meals, and make sure your family can enjoy an adventure of a lifetime without the stress of planning your outdoor adventure.

  • Ideal for: Families or groups of multiple families 
  • Ages: 8+
  • Group Size: 4-12 people
  • Dates: between June 17-August 2, 2024
  • Packages: 4-5 days
  • Starting at: $4,000 for 4 people & $515 per additional person

Faith based adventures since 1976.

Challenge. Connect. Experience. Grow.

Life is crazy. That is why we offer a variety of exciting outdoor adventures and courses that will challenge you spiritually and physically while giving you opportunities to connect with others. There is no better place to escape the distractions of this world and experience what it means to be a true disciple of God’s Word than in the wilderness surrounded by His natural creation with other believers.

Our exciting outdoor adventures offer much more than your average mountain-top experience. We focus on growing each participant in the skills needed to be lifelong followers of Jesus Christ through a wide variety of experiences in outdoor settings in Northern New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and Texas.


Enthusiastic. Energetic. Inspiring. And SUPER Fun.

Our staff is made up of experienced and fun wilderness guides who are also serious about your safety and spiritual growth. Each day they demonstrate their passion for serving Jesus Christ through leading by example with a cheerful demeanor in all surroundings. All of our staff are trained in both wilderness travel and spiritual leadership, ensuring your experience on and off the mountain are unmatched.

Change lives

Enable Transformational Encounters.

In today’s world, being a teenager is more difficult than ever… which means outdoor ministries like Trek are needed now more than ever.  

Your financial support helps teenagers “disconnect to reconnect” and unplug from the pressures of this world. A Trek trip may be the only way some find quiet and stillness and find the Lord their Shepherd leading them to “…rest in green meadows, …beside peaceful streams” (Ps 23 NLT).

Provide more God encounters to more people through adventure… donate today.